About the January 6 Oral History Project

Vandalism inside the Capitol (Melina Mara/Wash. Post)
We are currently working to acquire resources and build this project to scale so that it’s worthy of its subject matter and those who were impacted by it.
Mission Statement of the January 6 Oral History Project

About the U.S. Capitol Historical Society

The United States Capitol Historical Society (USCHS) was founded in 1962 by U.S. Representative Fred Schwengel. It is chartered by Congress, in part, “to undertake research into the history of the Congress and the Capitol and to promote the discussion, publication, and dissemination of the results of such studies.” The Society continues exploring and instituting new and creative ways to bring the fascinating story of the Capitol, its institutions, and our national history to people around the world. Societal activities include educational tours, scholarly symposia, enhancement and preservation of the Capitol’s collection of art and artifacts, sponsorship of research on the public careers of those who have served in the Capitol, and assistance to Congressional and other Capitol offices. The USCHS is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, tax-exempt, educational 501(c)3 organization. To learn more about the Society, please visit CapitolHistory.org